Likes: The Simpsons, good food, Las Vegas, cheesy Europop, biking, GW Colonials basketball, Haruki Murakami, Roadhouse, reading Television w/out Pity recaps for shows I don't watch, Neil Gaiman books, John Woo movies, singing loud (and out of tune) in my car, The Young Ones
Dislikes: Horror movies, metro drivers who close the doors on me, Robin Williams' "sensitive period", bad sushi, John Updike novels, days and days of no sun, shoes that hurt my feet, crosswords that are too hard for me
If you are a woman, and you choose to wear a sheer white linen outfit, you get five points for thinking to wear a cami on top. However, you get minus several thousand points when you choose to wear a thong on the bottom.
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