Sunday, November 06, 2005

On Track and Chugging Along

It's going well. I didn't get too much writing done yesterday, but I had a massive session today and wrote almost three thousand words. I feel like it's pretty good, as well. Some issues, some depth that I'm going to have work out, but that's for the second draft. I found leaving the house and getting a change of scenery was a great idea. I went up to Commmon Grounds (or it might be called Murky's now, I'm not entirely sure), and camped out there for about three hours, with a history teacher on one side of me, and a medical student on the other, and a caramel latte in my fist. However, not having access to the internet and other distractions resulted in a large amount of productivity. I spent a few minutes figuring out my weekly word count goals (12,500 words a week, if anyone cares), and I am well on track for the week.

Anyway. I have an excerpt up, and you're welcome to go take a look at it. There is at least one misspelling, and please, remember it's a first draft. :) Go to the NaNoWriMo website, click on the "Team 2005" link at the top, and do an author search for "Culturemaven", my profile should come up. Click on my author name, and you'll find my profile and the excerpt.


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